CATEC will be closed for both in-person learning and virtual learning tomorrow, Monday, February 1st. Stay warm and safe!
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
CATEC is hiring a Certified Nursing Assistant Skills Instructor. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, here is more information about the position:
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Join Our Team
We miss getting to celebrate National School Choice Week in-person this week with our students. Here's a look back on last year's event. @SchoolChoiceWk @SchoolChoiceWeek
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
National School Choice Week
National School Choice Week
National School Choice Week
It's National School Choice Week and we asked students why they love attending to CATEC. Here's yet another student response: "I like how we get to learn about things that we normally wouldn't work on in 'normal' school.'" @SchoolChoiceWk @SchoolChoiceWeek 3/3
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
School Choice Week
It's National School Choice Week and we asked students why they love attending to CATEC. Here's another student response: "All the trade classes that help us for whatever career we want to do in the future." @SchoolChoiceWk @SchoolChoiceWeek 2/3
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
School Choice Week
We asked students why they love attending CATEC. Here's a great reason- "My teachers, they give me chances when I need them and I also love the activities even if I do them from home." @SchoolChoiceWk @SchoolChoiceWeek 1/3
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
School Choice Week
CATEC is hiring for a new Front Office Manager and Registrar. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please visit our Careers page:
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Join Our Team
Need to find out more info about CATEC's programs for the 2021-2022 school year? Check out our program videos here:
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Program Videos
It's National School Choice Week! Going through class registration now for the 2021-2022 school year? Check out what makes CATEC a great place to study!
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
We're excited to partner with this great organization! Good things to come this spring.
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
It's National School Choice Week and we're celebrating CATEC as a choice for local HS students looking to explore their career options. We love our staff, students, families, and community partners. @SchoolChoiceWeek @SchoolChoiceWk @k12albemarle @CvilleSchools
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
National School Choice Week
It's VA School Principals Appreciation Week! We're thankful to have 2 passionate leaders at CATEC's helm. Thank you Mrs. Carter & Mr. Smith for all you do & thanks to our local school principals who support CATEC & our students. @MsSNCarter @k12albemarle @CvilleSchools
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Stephanie Carter
Anthony Smith
We're celebrating our Auto Body Repair program this month. Check out our info about this program, including the amazing donations the program receives as well as its community partners. @autobodynews
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Auto Body Repair
CATEC's Center Board meeting is tonight, Tuesday, January 19th at 6 PM. If you want to address the CATEC Center Board on any issue involving CATEC, sign up by sending an email to by 10 AM today.
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Notice of Board Meeting
Starting the registration process for the 2021-2022 school year? With curriculum nights being different this year, make sure you check out CATEC's offerings. View our program videos here:
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Wishing our community a safe MLK Jr. Day! We pride ourselves in offering access to training, professionalism, and credentialing to all students, preparing them for living-wage and growth-driven careers that reflect Cville's diverse population. Virtual learning resumes Tuesday.
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
We have promotional videos for our school, each High School program, and our Adult Education and Apprenticeship Program! Huge thanks to local documentarian Lori Shinseki from Fire Horse Pictures for her help. Check them out:
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Because CATEC follows Albemarle County Public Schools' schedule, we will resume virtual learning until at least February 1. Please continue communicating with your instructors, completing your school work, and staying safe!
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
We have enjoyed having students in the building this week! So happy to see students in person, getting to do hands-on learning! @CulinaryCatec @CatecFire
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Culinary Arts
Fire Science
Nurse Assisting
Auto Body Repair
CATEC's next Center Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19th at 6 PM. If you want to address the CATEC Center Board on any issue involving CATEC, sign up by sending an email to by 10 AM the day of.
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Notice of Board Meeting