Please revisit throughout the 2024-2025 school year for updated information and due dates!

There are a variety of post-secondary scholarships available to CATEC students. Some of these scholarships are available to only CATEC students and some to local students.

Review the scholarship opportunities below and be mindful of their due dates. Talk to Ms. Butler in the Career and Counseling Corner if you have questions or would like support in completing the applications. Again, be aware of due dates so you can plan your time well. Check back often for updates!

CATEC-Specific Scholarships 2024-2025

Albemarle County Rotary Club- due 4/15/25

Leslie Hughes Walton Foundation- due 4/15/25

Lance Van de Castle Construction Trades- due 4/15/25

Justin Tilgham Culinary Arts- due 4/15/25

Opportunity Scholarships- due 4/15/25

Charlottesville Area Scholarships 2024-2025

Stony Point Ruritan Scholarship- due 5/1/25

National Scholarships
